Sunday, November 21, 2004


I just love this photo of our little man, Sol, shown here waiting for his aunt, Tita Joey at the airport.

Joey is my youngest sister. A couple of months later this scene is repeated with the arrival of the other beloved sister, Leslie.

I adore this picture for its innocence, its purity, its sense of promise of fun things to come. And lots of fun we had!

There was strawberry/cherry picking, horseback-riding, hand-gliding, grocery shopping, baby-waiting/delivering and ring-making in Montreal with Tita Joey. Then there was outlet shopping, park/museum-visiting, restaurang-hopping, junk food-munching, and posing for pictures at Niagara Falls with Tita Leslie.

There was home-cooking, closet-organizing, laundry-washing and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Cleaning kids' clutter, kids' food droppings and kids bums. There's lots more we did but one thing's for sure. Amidst all the doing there was lots of laughing. Laughing until our sides hurt. Laughing until we cried. Laughing until all the hurts of the past have melted away.

Sisters are loads of fun to have around. They're an extra pair of strong hands and sturdy shoulders to lean and cry on. They've got good ears to ramble on to and a soothing presence when times get extra tough. They've got great fashion sense, an area which I am known to be challenged and even greater sense in the kitchen.

I'm the luckiest since I've got two of them --- my best friends, my allies, my soul sisters, my laughing buddies.

Tita Leslie and Tita Joey, I love you both so much. Thanks for being the best Aunts Solomon, Oona and Joshim could ever have.
And thanks for being the best sisters in the world. You two are too much fun!

Until the next visit ... and did I hear anyone say "Hola! Hola!"? You better practice your Spanish-speaking senoritas just in case you come visit me in sunny Spain. Viva Espana!

Now that's another tale for another time. ;-)

My beautiful sisters and best buddies, Joey Pineda and Leslie Albano. (photo taken in Tagaytay, Philippines)


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