Thursday, June 23, 2005

Soul Sister

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My beloved sister, Joey...doing what she does best. ,
Araneta Coliseum Canon Rebel 300D

Joey just got engaged last week.
I couldn't be happier for her.

She is my youngest sister.
Youngest in years but oldest in spirit.
She has been a guiding light for me.
For the family.
Hers is a kind of light that shines bright and true.
No matter how lost you are she will surely help you find your way again.
The reason for this, of course, is obvious.
The girl is plugged into the right Energy Source!

I wish you pure joy always, my soulsis.
You deserve every bit of it!
Thank you, thank you for your constant illumination.

I love you.
And Pat, too!
Congratulations on your engagement.

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